Use “buy now” below to order for future eclipses (or safe solar viewing any time).
Safe Viewing Warning
Unless you are wearing special eclipse glasses, do not look directly at the Sun during the partial phases of the eclipse. It is still unsafe even when the Sun is more than 99% covered by the Moon. The only time it is safe to look toward the Sun without eclipse glasses is when it is covered completely during totality for those on the path of totality. More details on our Safe Viewing page.
Note that “eclipse glasses” are not just for eclipses! They are absolutely safe for direct viewing of the Sun at any time. If you have good eyesight, you can even see large sunspots with these glasses. You can also tape them over camera lenses or binoculars for a magnified view of the Sun.
Purchase Your Eclipse Glasses
Eclipse glasses are inexpensive and easy to use, but be sure that you get them from a reputable source, because some vendors have been found to be selling fake glasses that won’t protect you. The American Astronomical Society maintains a reputable vendor list here. For your lowest-cost option, we recommend Eclipse Shades® manufactured by and available from Rainbow Symphony. These glasses have lenses made of an exclusive scratch resistant optical density 5, “Black Polymer” material. Eclipse Shades filter out 100% of harmful ultra-violet, 100% of harmful infrared, and 99.999% of intense visible light. These premium filters create a sharp ORANGE colored image of the Sun and meet the Standard for ISO 12312-2:2015, which means they do not expire and will last indefinitely as long as the lenses are undamaged (see this AAS page for details).
We offer these same Eclipse Shades® custom printed with artwork for Story Time From Space and the Totality app.
Your order helps support Big Kid Science outreach efforts, including our creation of the free Totality app, our free digital curriculum for middle school Earth and Space Science, our donation of more than 100,000 eclipse glasses to school children around the world, and our support of Story Time From Space and the Voyage Scale Model Solar System National Program.
To order, select your desired quantity and click the “buy now” button below; for larger quantities, e-mail jeff@bigkidscience.com to check availability and pricing. You can include a signed copy of the book Totality! An Eclipse Guide in Rhyme and Science for an additional $20.

Learn more about the Book. Order additional copies from our autographed book shop.