p.6 Phases of the Moon: Describes the phases of the Moon, which helps explain what we see in the opening parade scene.
p.7 The Moon in Daytime: Explains why the Moon can often be seen in the daytime, as it is during the parade.
p.8 Leaving the Earth: Explains why it is difficult and costly to launch rockets into space, as will be needed for Max’s trip to the Moon.
p.9 A Trip to the Moon: Describes how a trip to the Moon actually plays out.
p.10 Why is the Moon a "moon"?:Answers the question of what it is that Max is visiting.
p.11 The Face of the Moon: Explains why the Moon appears as it does in our sky.
p.12 The Apollo Moon Landings: Accompanies a painting of the Apollo mission and relates the history of lunar exploration.
p. 13 About That Flag: Explains why the flag planted by the Apollo astronauts appears to be blowing even though there is no air or wind on the Moon.
p.14 Wings in Space?: Explains why rocket’s don’t need wings.
p.15 Rockets: Explains how rockets work.
p.16 Spacesuits: Explains why astronauts need spacesuits.
p.17 Weak Gravity: Explains the difference between Earth gravity and Moon gravity and why Max and the astronauts bound around the Moon.
p.18 The Airless Moon: Explains how many of the strange things Max experiences on the Moon are a result of the Moon’s lack of atmosphere.
p.19 Moon Dust: Discusses astronaut footprints and the dusty surface of the Moon.
p.20 Falling Without Air: Explains why falling objects behave differently on the Moon than on Earth.
p.21 Frisbees and Curve Balls on the Moon: Explains why a frisbee tossed to Max by Tori flies so differently on the Moon than on earth, and goes on to discuss curve balls.
p.19 Rock Science: Discusses what we can learn by studying Moon rocks.
p.23 Day and Night on the Moon: Explains the long lunar day experienced by Max and Tori on the Moon.
p.24 Why Build a Moon Colony?: Describes potential benefits of the Moon colony planned as a follow-up to the trip by Max and Tori.
p.25 Atmospheres and Telescopes: Explains why telescopes in space—or on the Moon—get clearer views of the heavens than telescopes on Earth.
p.26 The University of the Moon: Talks about what we might do with a real lunar university, like the one in the story.
p.30 Activity: Understanding the Phases of the Moon: A simple activity that parents and children can enjoy together.