NOTE: This page is for ordering books autographed by author Jeffrey Bennett. Non-autographed copies are available at a 30% discount by ordering direct from the distributor and using the promotion code “Totality”.
You can specify who you’d like your autographed books signed to when you reach the shopping cart page. The author will usually autograph and ship your books within about 1 wee. However, if he is out-of-town, then he obviously won’t be able to sign until he returns. If you are in a rush, please e-mail him before placing your order, to be sure he can accommodate your needs.
* The prices and shipping rates (which will show in your cart) shown here are for orders shipped within the U.S. only. If you are an international customer, please e-mail Dr. Bennett to inquire about shipping rates.
Children’s Science Titles

Max Goes to Mars

I, Humanity

Special - All 7 Books (Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Space Station, Totality!, Wizard & Humanity)
Spanish Editions

Special - All 6 Books in SPANISH (Luna, Marte, Júpiter, Estacion Espacial, Mago & Humanidad)
Books for Grownups

Beyond UFOs

Math For Life